tiany schuster
american cowgirl # 8
tiany schuster
our cowgirl ambassador
central and south texas
Photo image selected for the painting
american cowgirl #8
tiany schuster - texas
Tiany & edwin ranch
the painting
“ American cowgirl #08 - Tiany schuster - texas ”
randi spending time with a new colt
Lana’s tribute video coming soon
after completion of her painting.
photo & canvas IMAGES of
american cowgirl # 8
american cowgirl #8
tiany schuster - texas
Tiany and Edwin own and manage their sprawling ranch just outside
of Krum, Texas. Their prestigious horse barn and massive under the
roof riding arena make it a perfect location to board your horses or
build your riding skills.
My story coming soon
tiany schuster was on-boarded into the line-up as American Cowgirl #8 on october 15, 2014.
january 31, 2015
edwin & tiany’s ranch - krum texas
february 1, 2015
edwin & tiany’s ranch - krum texas
february 2, 2015
will rogers stadium - fort worth, texas
february 3, 2015
edwin & tiany’s ranch - krum texas
The actual image which was my inspiration for tiany’s painting was taken at edwin & tiany’s ranch outside
of krum, texas.
tiany and her prized horse showmance